
GSA’s HCaTS is a Tier 3, Best-in-Class (BIC), Category Management solution that allows maximum flexibility for contract types at the task order level. All contract types are allowed under HCaTS, including fixed-price, labor-hour, time and-materials, cost-reimbursement, and hybrids of these types.

The Human Capital and Training Solution (HCaTS) contract is the result of a partnership between The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the General Services Administration (GSA). The initiative creates the joint management of a new strategically sourced, indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) government wide contract to support OPM’s Training and Management Assistance (TMA) program, and provides customized human capital management and training services to all agencies.

The HCaTS contracts provide ALL federal agencies with a reliable, flexible, fast and efficient way to obtain best value solutions for their complex human capital and training service requirements.


HCaTS Program Management Office Website

Piton Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): W8SHUJ42NZ64 

Sustainability Disclosures: None   DUNS: 786931050